Mission Statement: To raise awareness and galvanize San Francisco communities that are inspired by local current and critical issues by use of targeted, public action.
Awarding Those Responsible for Destroying SF Neighborhoods!
WHO: a coalition of social awareness groups concerned about the on-going destruction of San Francisco's low and middle class neighborhoods through real estate speculation. Coalition members include: Gay Shame, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Queer Anti-Displacement Coalition, A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, Freedom Socialist Party, Radical Women, Pride At Work, CitiSTOP, St. Peter's Housing Committee, Castro Residents for Fair Housing, Brass Liberation Orchestra, Tenant Attorney Phil S. Horne, Activist Tommi Avicolli Mecca, members of the Harvey Milk Democratic Club, and representatives of the San Francisco Community Land Trust.
WHAT: Mock, outdoor public awards ceremony to "honor" greedy landlord speculators most responsible for the gentrification and destruction of San Francisco's communities. This is done with a spirit of community, FUN, and the opportunity to deliver a spectacular, FREE public show. We encourage "campy" themes and attitudes: (i.e.) drag outfits, colorful costumes, fierce attitudes, and outrageous behavior. The event will be filmed by a documentary filmmaker, which will be shared through internet distribution and local screenings in order to raise awareness.
WHEN: Saturday, June 21st at 8:00 p.m.
WHERE: Harvey Milk Plaza at Castro and Market in San Francisco (
WHY: To stand up against gentrification by landlord speculators who are destroying our neighborhoods and communities.
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