Monday, March 9, 2009

Today's first thought.

If feminists are to resuscitate a concept of the body for their own purposes, it must be disentangled from the biological and pseudo-naturalist appropriations from which it historically suffered. There are other ways in which sexually specific corporeal differences may be conceptualized other than those developed in conventional phenomenological or ‘scientific’ representational contexts. Given the amount of investment in the regulation and restriction of corporality to biological sphere (rather than say, the neurological, ontological epistemic, or socio-cultural alternatives) the formulation of new modes of bodily signature may create upheavals in the structure of existing knowledges, may undermine relations of power based on sexual determinism, and may induce an opening-up which multiplies the possibilities involving the bodily capacity for resignification and physical ‘metamorphism.’


Unknown said...

write more! this is great.

Unknown said...

Thanks. I'll be throwing my thesis up when it's edited.